David's Cubicle


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Hanchen David Wang

Welcome! My name is David. I am currently a PhD student at Vanderbilt University working with Prof. Meiyi Ma on healthcare and deep learning related research.



Healthcare and Physical Therapy: (Sep. 2021 - Now)

Supervised by Professor Meiyi Ma @Vanderbilt

  1. Currently the project is under review and will share more detail soon! :)

Categories: Python (PyTorch, sklearn, matplotlib)

Effects of Emotion Regulation on Creativity: (Sep. 2020 - Jun. 2021)

Supervised by Professor Christopher Bauman @UCIrvine

  1. Organized the data collection of judges ‘rating sheets for 50+ new entrepreneurs from the New Venture Competition at the Paul Merage School of Business.
  2. Restructured the data with a new template for analysis to provide an accurate and clean dataset.
  3. Examined the usefulness and consistency of the dataset and re-categorized the data into new structures.

Categories: Excel

Emotionality Analytics: (Jun. 2020 – Jun. 2021)

Supervised by Professor Christopher Bauman @UCIrvine

  1. Scored and examined 300+ participants’ novelty and usefulness on their solutions to address an issue related to bankruptcy due to mismanagement and poor-quality food of a cafeteria.
  2. Categorized ideas generated by participants to facilitate analysis of causal relationships among novelty,usefulness, and cognitive flexibility.
  3. Implemented a Python program to facilitate the process of categorizing participants to minimize the redundancy of the work and the discrepancy of the coding.

Categories: Python, Excel

Cloudberry/Big Data Visualization (Apr. 2019 – Jun. 2019) Python, Excel

Supervised by Professor Chen Li @UCIrvine

  1. Implemented the web application to generate the TwitterAPI-referenced data using graph visualization andrestructured the backend and frontend connectivity.
  2. Analyzed the underlying algorithm designs and ranked drawbacks and advantages of various data structures.
  3. Researched to minimize data representation for efficiency using bundling, clustering, incrementality, and tree cut.

Categories: Java, PostgresSQL, Scala

PROJECT EXPERIENCE (Explain in Details):

Database Management System: (Fall 2020)

Database Management System: undergrad course project equivalent to graduate level course on end-to-end implementation of a database at UC Irvine.

Categories: C/Cpp, Git

Single Sign On: (Winter 2020)

Single Sign On: internship At St. Jude Research Hospital, worked as Information Services

Categories: AngularCLI, TypeScript, Node.js

Online Movies Store Web Application: (Jun. 2019 – Aug. 2019)

Online Movies Store Web Application Project: undergrad course project at the University of California, Irvine. It is a 10-week project class that heavily targets the implementation of an application.

Categories: Java, MySQL, HTML, CSS, Maven

Stay Together: (Fall 2018)

Stay Together Project: my second year first hackathon working related to healthcare on how we can treat opioid-addicted patient better.

Categories: Swift, Storyboard


Teaching Assistant (Aug. 2021 - May 2022)

@Vanderbilt University

  1. Graded homeworks weekly for the students bodies and hosted weekly office hours to help students with the concepts, homework instructions, and debuggings.
  2. Drew on the whiteboard to demonstrate many concepts including how operating system utilizes fork and the relationship between parent and child in processes.
  3. Hosted additionally meeting with students to confront coding challenges and brainstormed with them to resolve problems in C programming

Undergraduate Grader (Sep. 2019 – Dec. 2019, Mar. 2020 – June 2020)

@UC Irvine

  1. Designed and developed extensive test cases for command-line programs, Bash-like shell, dynamic memory allocator, and client/server network programming in C.
  2. Collaborated with the professor and team of 2 graders to design C programming assignments which could be programmatically tested with the auto-grader.
  3. Assisted students 1-on-1 with debugging programs and understanding test case failures.

Information Services Intern (Jun. 2019 – Aug. 2019)

@ St. Jude Research Hospital

  1. Developed Single Sign-On project using Agile & Waterfall development cycles and researched Active Directory Federation Service applications for authentication.
  2. Implemented idP-initiated SSO with Angular framework as frontend and Node.js as backend server to process SAML assertion from ADFS. Deployed application on Tomcat to test the Active Directory by using SecureAuth.
  3. Optimized the application with MIT-Licensed NPM plugin for SAML 2.0, samlify, to establish connectivity with Active Directory over the Node.js.